Support Us
The Cut > Support Us
New Cut Arts (NCA) is the charity which manages The Cut Arts Centre.
NCA receives no central funding and relies on the support of the community, benefactors, the lottery club, and funding applications to help pay the bills and keep the doors open.
You can join the lottery club to be in with a chance of winning the jackpot each month!
For an annual fee of £12 you will automatically enter the monthly draw to win a first prize of £100, or second prize of £50. Each pound you pay is a chance at the jackpot so obviously you can add to your £12 to increase your chances, just email us today
Making a gift to us is easy and we appreciate every penny.
You can send us funds via:
• Cheque
• Standing Order
• Cash
• Gift Aid
• Shares/Property
• Legacies
Cheques should be made payable to New Cut Arts and be sent to
New Cut Arts
New Cut
IP19 8BY
A new tax relief was introduced in 2000 whereby individuals can obtain the relief on the gift of shares to a charity. So another way of gifting would be to give shares or securities to a charity. If you do that you will be able to claim tax relief for the gift at your top rate of tax. This is in addition to the capital gains tax relief i.e. you pay no capital gains tax on a gift to a charity.
The Charity can then either keep the shares and utilise income or sell the shares. As a charity there is no tax to pay on the sale of the shares so a significant tax benefit is gained by both you and the charity.